Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Whistling wind

In the wee hours I was awaken by a high-pitched swirling whistling wind.  The kind you hear in a movie about mountain climbing.  It almost sounded like a person was making the sound using some kind of instrument.  Our dog Cousteau and I were the only ones startled by it.  I only heard it for a few seconds longer and then the house was still.  Cous and I glanced at each other in the silence and then he nestled back in the blankets.  A tiny bit of fear struck me and my body started to sweat, I gave Cousy a pat and got up to check on my son in his room.  He and our other dog, Winston, were deep in sleep.  It took a bit to drift off again, but eventually I woke up groggy to my alarm clock.
As I headed out the front door I saw that I left a window open all night.

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