Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Catch a Cat

Because no one should be greeted by a Leo Sayer post for two weeks.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

This light was rad!

Same light from Sunday.
I think these photos probably have too much light, however, is it just me or do these images rival with visuals on an acid trip?
Apparently, in the spring time my blog turns into a photoblog. Oh well, not much to say right now. I'm zoned out a bit, but I'm not trippin' on it. One of my readers says this is a good time to mine :) --and perhaps finish something??? Hmmm...
Enjoy the flora!


Monday, April 5, 2010


These pictures were taken on Sunday when things were simpler, prettier. Ah yes, Sunday, Easter it was, the day before the hail made it look like someone took a machine gun to my garden.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Flowers! For me?

I do declare! It's Spring! Seeing all the green peaking out after a storm left me to understand the Spring/Sex thing. I get it. Not so much in words, but in just knowing. On the verge of explosion maybe? ;) Anyways, I leave you to it, whatever it is you do. Have a lovely Saturday! I'm going to plant more flowers.

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What is this^ a picture of?