Thursday, July 23, 2009

Unicorn Dream

I actually had unicorns in my dream a couple nights ago. A unicorn with its unicorn foal (what are unicorn babies called?). Here's the dream:

The adult unicorn runs toward me. I am afraid, but the peculiar horse just swiftly rides by and takes a deep lap in the clearing. The baby unicorn comes up to me and rolls on its back to show me its tummy. I nervously look over my shoulder at the adult unicorn. I don't want it to get mad that I am near its baby. My face shows my discomfort. The adult unicorn runs back towards us and as it passes me it turns its head and gives me a cartoon look, as if saying, Is everything okay? I say, "Oh, he's fine." Then both unicorns turn into male humans with crystal blue eyes and white blond hair. They are good and polite. The adult magical man/unicorn, in reflecting on his child, tells me, "I will never finish what I started." Knowing that he is saying his life will expire before his child's, with a look of sympathy, I nod my head and tell him, "That's good."

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