Monday, May 8, 2017

My favorite Whitehouse!

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.

Clapping for Clapper.  Thank you for emphasizing the threat that the Kremlin poses to the world.

You don't want your NSA director compromised by the Russians...

Senator Dick Durbin, thank you for championing an independent committee.  Meager resources for the current most important issue to our country.  So nice to hear a clear voice after the bullshit by a certain republican texan..which by the way can fuck himself...fuck you for shaming Ms. Yates for doing her job.  You should be ashamed for doing a terrible job at this interview and who the hell knows what else.

Yes!  Thank you again Sen Durbin!!  Thank you for listing all the secret things that General Flynn was privy to after the White House was warned about the Kremlin compromise.

Fucking hell!!!  Ted Cruz...  restroom break.  I'm not subjecting myself to this bullshit.
....God, does anyone like this dude?  Yeah, my break wasn't long enough...  yes!  someone groaned.  Everyone groans when it's  Cruz's turn.

Yep yep yep!  Sen. Klobuchar.  yep.  Independent investigations.  We cannot let foreign countries interfere in our democracy.
Clapper.. huge deal. they will continue to do it and why not.

Hmmm...Sasse...intriguing...that's how it's done, Ted Cruz.  Bipartisan and Russian focused.

Sen. Coons looks really familiar...
Seriously, how is it that I like every democrat?  Am I that partisan or are they across the board the most focused on protecting the US?
god, it's driving me nuts...who is it?

The fuck? Sen. Kennedy??  Stop.  This is about Russia.  Stop this!  Russia and US elections you piece of obstructionist shit!  This is happening.  Most Republicans could give a shit about the topic.  Oh. Oh yeah.  Wax too metaphysical.  you happy clam.. Jesus fucking Christ... Louisiana??!!  You don't have time, Sen. Kennedy, but you choose to focus on the topic that is not on topic.  What a waste of time.  If that's your plan, Sen. Kennedy, then job well done.  Fuck you Sen. Kennedy.

I had to pick up my daughter, but continued to listen to the hearing in my car on my phone.  Al can I love you anymore?  Really?  Also, Blumenthal, mwah.  Thank you for being sane and, I dunno, CARING!

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