Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The October Body

the October body
the gilded crew
the autumnal feathered guild
the firey hued schism
the triumphant knot
cohorts of the element
a cabinet haunt
East and West
with touch of North and South
a merriment of two
sisters by brain and spirit
cosmic launchings
entangled in their hair
honeychain hideout
honeychain hideout
Siamese muses
not connected at birth
tribe of womben
roots and branches
below and above
tiny bewitching explosions peeking
out of the dark sky
all the while
baying at the moon
praying to the moon
following the moon
four arms making a circle
the circle of October
the "O"
four arms criss-crossed making an eight
an infinite mark
the infinite remark

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