Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Tree of Knowledge

Phew! Here I am on the fifth branch from the ground of this god forsaken tree and I am plum tuckered out. I have been eating fruit all day and my gastronomical hunger has not been satiated. Yet, my head feels like it's about to explode. I don't think I can make it to the sixth branch right now with this enormous, heavy skull. I think I'll just rest awhile and let all this knowledge digest. Do I feel any smarter? A little. Do understand all? A scant tawdry bit. What kind of hornet was in god's bonnet about this tree? Why, wouldn't this being think it might be important to gain a little knowledge? Did the great magician think it would be fun fumblin' around this dust ball with nothing in our heads? On the other hand, our scientist folk think it's mighty fine to gather on this tree like cicadas, sucking the life out of knowledge. There has to be some kind of happy medium, or maybe an unhappy medium. It's medium. Glass half full, glass half empty. Yin and Yang. Equal in the sum. Wow, this knowledge fruit is really kickin' in. Excuse me, I've become drunk. Think this here fruit has started fermentin'.

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