Friday, March 24, 2017

new nubes

image: robin lawless

Forget cloud 9, we are in cloud 12!  The BBC reports there are now 12 new kinds of clouds!  Citizen scientists from the Cloud Appreciation Society, which I really want to join, have championed the asperatus into being recognized and the International Cloud Atlas officially accepted.  Another one of the clouds is actually considered a new "species" of cloud!  They are called volutus clouds and they resemble a giant roll.

Wait there's more!  The atlas is now online!

Clouds are gathering as I type, I don't think they are any of the new ones.  There's a bit of a mix, but I think they are all cumulus clouds.

Here's the list of our new clouds:
Asperatus (citizen scientist campaigned)
flammagenitus (triggered by wildfires)
cataractagenitus (developed by waterfall spray)
cavum (giant hole in cloud)
murus (wall-like)
cauda (tail-like)
fluctus (surfing-wave)
Homogenitus (contrails)
Homomutatus (contrails or other human made clouds that mutate into other clouds)
flumen (beaver's tail)
Silvagenitus (formed by humidity from biota)

image: sandy redding

image: from imgur posted by lordbal

image: steve price

image: witta priester

image: victor hugo

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