Monday, March 27, 2017

Bravo, True Russians, Bravo

Wow.  You are a strong people.  Thank you for taking risks and standing up for your wonderful, mysterious country.  I applaud the protesters.  Keep going and stay safe!  Much love.

From NPR:
We saw 2,000, I think, turn up in - the reports were of 2,000 turning up in Novosibirsk in Siberia. We had 10,000 in St. Petersburg. The estimates here in Moscow are about 20,000. And of course, we saw arrests across the country as well. 

Mr. Medvedev used charities and NGOs to collect donations from tycoons and state banks and used all these funds to buy all these expensive assets, things like yachts, a vineyard, luxury mansions. And it even included a separate house on one estate for a collection of pet ducks. So it was a colorful report, and it's taken off online. It says something like 13 million views at last time I checked. 

From NYTimes:
99 similar rallies in cities and towns across the country — from Vladivostok in the far east to Kaliningrad in the west 

The protests in Russia on Sunday...were the largest coordinated display of public dissatisfaction since anti-Kremlin demonstrations in 2011 and 2012, after an election that was tainted by fraud

May you have a bi-coloured-python-rock snake to help you out of the crocodiles teeth.

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