Sunday, February 14, 2010

Last Week

hAndi Winter tip: If you have holes in your favorite knee length socks and don't care to or know how to darn them, cut the feet off and use as leg warmers under your pants. This is not a fashion tip, well, not in my case, it is strictly utilitarian.

Another crazy night of dreams a few nights ago. What I remember: I actually had to work in my dream. The crazy thing about the place that I worked at was that I worked there before in another dream, either that, or I had deja vu inside a dream. The first time I worked there it was part of a deal--as I recall, the owners of the business did something for me and I was to work at their restaurant as payment. This time, I was under the impression that I would drop whatever thing I needed them to do off and be done with it. My husband was expecting me to be right back. When I arrived at the establishment, I found that the owners were expecting me to work that night. I had no way to contact my husband, the anxiety began. The restaurant was a joint with a carnival feel. It was located at the SE corner of a wide intersection of a busy city neighborhood. The joint set back from the intersection and seemed to be wrapped, in a way, in dark wood decking. The kids of the owners worked there-all girls and several of them, ranging between 7 and 14 years of age. A unique and daunting quirk about the restaurant/bar/roadhouse was that the wait-staff had to run through this one-way shoot of some sort made of the decking and assist customers as he/she made her way back to the house/kitchen to pick up whatever was needed and return to the beginning of the shoot again. I ran through the shoot with a tray of drinks and set the tray down awkwardly on a table in front of a customer. The drinks spilled and waterlogged the customer's food. I apologized profusely and ran as fast as could through the one-way dining room to grab a towel in the kitchen. By the time I went through the maze of the shoot I was too late. The customer left unhappy. I felt awful that I ruined the customer's experience and the daughters didn't ease my shame. I had cost them money.
The next dream I had was less anxiety ridden. Fast glimpses and views of my baby nephew wildly filled my dreams. He looked and acted a little older than he is right now. He was moving and playing more deliberately and at one point I saw him take a bite of a small hamburger. Weird. I faintly recall an image of him flashing this crazy baby toothed grin with his smiling eyes looking older, wiser.
The next day, in REAL life, my husband sent me an email entitled, "Chompers McGirt", which unveiled a picture of my nephew that looked almost exactly like the image of him in my dream. Except that in the dream he had gelled spikey hair. ????? Craziness.

I have a problem with phones. I don't like them. Last week I had to work a couple days on the phones. One day was a jangling frantic buzz of incoming calls of people inquiring about jobs. I started off answering, putting them on hold and then transferring the calls to the next available recruiter. I ended up taking the calls and scheduling test sessions. The next day I called places to find free meeting spaces for testing. I confirmed 3. We need 100. I'm thankful I am making money, but I miss leisurely blogging :)

Happy Valentine's Day!
Luv, A

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