Tuesday, November 28, 2023

10 easy ways to grow your spirit

Exercise that spirit!

  1. Release demons by tickling them and forgive yourself from harboring them

  2. Find your spirit huddled somewhere in your body by imagination and meditation 

  3. Coax your spirit with kind words to come out of hiding and not being afraid with imaginative bread crumbs or star sprinkles

  4. Play with your spirit daily and feed with happy food for thought

  5. Talk to your spirit daily and show it that it can explore different parts of your body, starting with the feet to ground it

  6. Slowly move up toward the head and show kindness at every level

  7. Once at the head, imagine sparkling happiness and love in your aura

  8. Now imagine a rainbow in your aura

  9. Usher out any bad feelings or thoughts that remain

  10. Tell your spirit it will be okay and that you will do your best not to let it get too small from fear of living again 

Touched out

It's Show time!

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