Monday, July 24, 2023

Fleur Flair

Journey into the Desert 
with Fleur Cowles
and Donovan
and Cary Grant
and Salvador Dali
and Queen Elizabeth 
and nearly everyone who was a big someone,
at one time--
Marilyn Monroe
Fleur made friends and kept them, as her memoir states.

I have to document my periodical curiosity with Fleur Cowles--I will love her style always,
but my focus has once again Robert Mitchum and Slavs.
I wonder what's next!  So exciting!

Desert Journey by Cowles, Donovan album cover

Picnic on the floor with Cary

Her study, my wish

Love the cig table setting

Her portrait, my wish

Fleur's extravagant magazine, Flair

For the jet set

For the art set

For the fox hunting set

For the New York set

For the sun set

Known for cool cut-outs in the cover

Inside the July 1950 issue

Cut-out by Dali for the Annual issue...

...Flair only lasted one year

But Fleur Cowles lasted 101!

"I have an idea a minute...I'm a born idea myself."  -Fleur Cowles

Look her up, it was fun!

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