Friday, March 1, 2019

Necessary Voodoo

We are the Earth intruders
Muddy with twigs and branches

The scene on my drive to work:
Listening to Beatles channel still
I should have known better
You're gonna say you love me too
Seems a bit strong-arm
Thought about AOC and started to cry because at such a young age she has this much poise and is doing it (she has what it takes to do it! --inside joke to myself-way inside-deep!)
Thought about an interview with Sean Lennon talking about his memories of his dad
Pretended to meet Sean Lennon and tell him about the part of the interview I liked--his dad would always turn off the television when commercials would come on and he would always turn it back on at the right time.  Also, the part with the little sweet fishes for snacks instead of candy.
Then I said to Sean that my son is older than you were when...and I couldn't say it, I just started crying and Sean didn't want me to cry and grabbed my arms gently and said here, let's find my mom.  And then I saw Yoko Ono and said Oh Yoko and just started sobbing in her arms....Well, I was crying in my car.

We are the Earth intruders
We are the sharpshooters
Flock of parachuters
Necessary VoooOOOdoo

We are the Earth intruders
Muddy with twigs and branches

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