Tuesday, January 9, 2018

just got happy

cuz i realized there is a full moon on my birthday.  A Super Blue Moon!  Pretty neat how there's a super moon on the first and last day of this month.  I went out in the frigid temps on New Year's Night to check it out.  It was glaring!  I mean it almost hurt my eyes to look at it.  Stunning.  And the stars were really clear and bright too.  My favorite, Orion, was dazzling!

I'm drinking teas now.  I had to stop all tinctures.  I think I'm an idiot (or maybe just happy, I think I'm just happy).  It's possible the motherwort does not agree with me right now and I figure since it may be the culprit that started it all, then I don't need the chaste tree to regulate.  I bought valerian, but I just want to stop it all.  I do have some sage that I want to take for milk reduction, but I'm just...at a loss at what to do.

However!  Because I feel bad, I have to take something and now I'm relying on magnesium citrate  and dandelion, nettle and ginger teas.  I might take a bit of sage, still not sure.  And I think I will get back on krill oil.  I didn't mean to stop those, just kept forgetting.

I like google's image today:

from wiki: Khorana's invention(s) have become automated and commercialized so that anyone now can order a synthetic oligonucleotide or a gene from any of a number of companies. One merely needs to send the genetic sequence to one of the companies to receive an oligonucleotide with the desired sequence.

One synthetic oligonucleotide comin' up!

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