Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Sessions committed perjury, why is he still free?

Sessions indicated in February that he had not read the Justice Department’s reports on Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore but that he believed they were based on anecdotes and not well supported.
-from Ryan J Reilly, HuffPost Article, 4.4.17

Trump cabinet members are not running on fact, big surprise, but on beliefs.  Apparently they are all diviners.  No. Actually they are mis-educated flunkies that don't want to do any work....yet do whatever they believe to be the best for.....

For whom?

The earth?  The people?  The children?  The destitute?  The war ravaged?


Never enough money.  Tacky fucking bastards.

I'm sending energy your way, Sessions.  Liars get bit by snakes. 
Watch your tongue.

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