Friday, February 12, 2016

Moog Relief Fund

I don't think I have to tell you how wonderful it would be if more people had Moogs.  I'm starting a Kickstarter fund in order to help all those in need of Moogs.  People shouldn't have to explain themselves or write a 2 or 1 page essay about the reasons for wanting or needing a Moog.  Let's make it happen! Let's give these people what they want!  Moogs!

Personal story.  I really need a Moog.  My life would be better if I had one.  I could possibly start making music.  I don't have to tell you this and I shouldn't have to!  I just need one.  Soon.  Please. Just give me one.  Okay?

Now don't let anyone else grovel, just send Moogs to this fund to get me and who ever else needs a Moog.  Thank you.

Or!  Please send Vibes to my other Kickstarter: Vibes Relief Fund.
Yeah, I need vibes too.  Don't ask!

this could be me

this could be me too

Send Moogs, Vibes or Keyboard Guitars to:
Synthia Saiser
P.O. Box 77
KCMO 64111

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