Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

I don't like to be this jealous!

I do love to see how other girls draw their girls.


1931-1998 timeline....Active in late 1940s to early 50s and then again in early 60s til her death.

I want to see that red dress one behind her up close

Friday, September 22, 2023

Thought jar

Eagle-eyed inquiry

during decades apart re-watch

of 1987's Baby Boom

the timeline IS hilarious


the baby is the same age

The yuppy is in Vermont

for less than a year

Yet she acquires orchards 

And has set ablaze a new industry

in gourmet baby food

Big food wants to buy

And yet

I now also have a dream

to be typecast

as a nervous wreck

and I still enjoyed the movie
because I love fixer-uppers

Harvest Gold

Thursday, September 14, 2023

I’m on a Mexican UFO

 I’m on a Mexican 



Mexican Zoom Call

Friday, September 1, 2023

But we talkin bout practice

  Wages stagnated from 1973 to 2013, rising only 9.2% even as productivity grew by 74.4%.