Friday, August 9, 2019

Me on the Weekend

THis is a draft I found in my blog posts from April 20, 2018.

This is almost 40 minutes, so I don't blame you if you don't want to invest in the time.  But this is me this weekend I hope.  I know I stress critical thinking, but I enjoyed this too much not to share.  Plus, there are some things that Master of Earth says that make me wonder.  This is my favorite DIY show to date.  Love the random cat scene in the beginning, love the abrupt cut-aways to images he describes, love the interaction on the street in front of his house, love that he says "guys" a million times, love that he draws diagrams, love that he felt the need to break down his personal beliefs in this way.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Buzzards, higher

Three or more flying vultures is called a kettle
A group of vultures hanging out is a committee
Vultures feasting on remains together is called a wake.

When I was a kid, my family had a lake place near the ozarks.  It wasn't techinically the lake of the ozarks, it was off Turkey Creek.  My great-grandfather had built a house on a bluff that had shallow caves.  Just underneath the house next door was the biggest cave, we called it the bird cave.  I had heard about the cave for, it seemed, like a long time before I got to explore it.  I remember asking about going down and I don't know if my cousin didn't want to show me or my mom was freaked out about me walking down to it.  When I finally got to climb down the rusty metal stairs bolted to the cliff, the actual cave was a little lackluster.  It was neat, and i really did think so, but at that age, I had created a different image and the reality of it wasn't as spectacular as I imagined.  There was a bit of a cave inside the cave and there was bird shit everywhere.  There might of been some feathers, but nothing huge, so I don't have anything to show from it..I think there might have been some eggs, but I might be re-imagining that or maybe that was a different visit.  There were absolutely no birds in the cave.  Honestly, thank god.  Maybe that was the reason we didn't go down there much?  I only went in it a few times.  Maybe because it wasn't on our property or that the stair was getting too old, I don't remember.

One time we were driving around in a neighboring "resort" and we saw a committee of vultures on a bare tree in the near distance.  We got out to look and could hear them talking.  The scene was kinda unnerving and haunted.

Anyway the lake place is one of my happy places.  You would see turkey vultures up close flying along the bluff.  We called them buzzards.  It was really cool to see them that close.

Wolves, lower