I'm a little drunk off Boulevard Double IPA and an extremely dirty martini, but I thought I'd actually post some worthy information: After a year and nearly 3 months I am permanently employed!!!!
Yeah, I celebrated with a couple of drinks, so what? :) I'm feeling so happy right now! I had the best meal and the best drive along Wornall home. I must share with you that I love the Waldo buildings along Wornall--some are shitty and some are so charming! I love the contrast. My late grandfather grew up around there... I really feel like rambling, so just let me do it okay?
My stargazer lilies have bloomed. I have some pictures, but I can't seem to capture them like I want. I will post them as soon as I download them from my camera. Maybe I need to wait until next year to really feel the essence of them, for now I will just experience their beauty in real time and not try to capture the shit out of them.
My little sister got married last weekend, it was a blast! She and her husband were so happy and man, can they dance! What else? Oh yeah, went to Seattle to see my husband's mom and sister. Had an absolutely lovely time--saw my main man Ichiro get whooped by the Royals--the Royals! I was lucky enough to see Mt. Rainier on my last day!!
Okay, running out of juice. Gonna let you all be. I hope I will get back to regular blogging soon. Thanks for reading.
Peace out.
P.S. I'm digging the new Ariel Pink album....just sayin. -Out.