Friday, February 23, 2024

To reabsorb or shed an egg is murder

Every month a woman with a uterus is committing murder when she has her period.

A female baby is born with about a million eggs.  The first few million die in the womb, before the female human is born.  A female baby is murdering eggs left and right until puberty, that's about 11,000 a month.

Here is the break down of eggs in a female human lifespan:

In utero- 6-7 million
At birth- 1-2 million
Menarchy- 300,000-500,000
20s- 150,000-300,000
30s- around 27,000
40s- around 5000-10,000
In the year or so leading up to Menopause- around 1000

A woman will receive about 1 million sperm during intercourse, only one will fertilize the egg inside her.  The remaining spermatozoa will perish within the body of the female murderess.

If that fertilized egg gets to proceed to full, safe birth of a health baby--the female human is only partially golden.  She did her duty, but is still savagely laying waste to eggs and visitor sperm as time goes on.

Right now, a fertilized egg is considered a child in Alabama, USA.  A state that has a Romeo and Juliet law that provides a defense for consensual sexual acts with a minor as long as the victim (if it was consensual why use victim?) was at least 12 years old and the defendant was no more than 2 years older than the ..victim.  Is a 12 year old considered a child?
Please, let's have this state set precedent. We're taking crazy pills.

How long until an egg within a female human body will be considered a child?  

Would a spermatozoa be considered a child? 
Be careful human males, they could be coming for you too. Hahahahahah, as if.

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