Thursday, November 9, 2023

Current observations

Handle on Jupiter

Is Jupiter always like this?!

ushering the moon

Can’t I just wonder anymore?

I will try to not look it up

just look up!

and wonder

it feels so damn good to have a handle on the planets

seems like I'm always reorienting 

Astronomers might hate this poem

or shake their heads

I don’t understand ellipticals

or when the moon rises at different angles 

I guess I don’t understand rotating spheres either. 

Thank goodness there’s a lot not to understand!

Dr Seuss fall 

The fall leaf display this year is colorful and lasting 

We were in drought and then had a record rainfall for a week 

Even our normally brown leafed autumn oak is an illuminous mottled yellow underneath the canopy 

We are used to colors of fall in this region,
but if a complete stranger to seasons
or the planet visited
they would think they landed in a Dr Seuss storybook
There could be an extraterrestrial version of Seuss..

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