Tuesday, May 17, 2022

"We didn't have much, and you took what was left"

 "Tops market was a place of community, a safe space for us to meet, to talk, to be together," [Phylicia Dove] told CNN. "There's no one here who hasn't visited this Tops. It was ours. Even if it wasn't the best, it was ours, and now our safe space has been infiltrated and taken from us and that is something we are mourning."

from this CNN article

All the white people, cis gendered males bemoaning the fake restriction on their rights don't even know what it's like.  They can't even fathom being hunted for the skin they were born with, much less living in a food desert.  The entitlement of these people is bewildering.  

Nothing's changed
You're still on top

Born lucky, white and free
Male is still the best gender to be

Still happening, still getting your way
"Replacement" isn't going to happen in this day

Whiny murderous ass punks won't pay
It's in the news day after day
Guns will never go away
After the babies, it was here to stay

We will suffer and wallow in your hatred forever
as we regress every day in the idiot endeavor

Today I see no hope
Today I don't want to cope
Today I'm at the end of my rope

Black and brown people still get nothing
and we will take that too

Don't know how to rise above this shame
Do I play their game to infiltrate and spy
To try to change white supremacist minds
Should I scream all day
at every white person and say
We need to protect our people of color
Our human sisters and brothers

I'm disgusted by the lies
Disgusted by the hate
Disgusted by the stupidity
Disgusted by the greed
Disgusted by the guns


"[W]hen Tops opened in 2003[!], life completely changed when this community got the grocery store they'd been dreaming about, and fighting for, for more than a decade[!]."  -same CNN article


You fucking white supremacist assholes disgust me.
Take some psychedelic mushrooms you fucks.

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