Friday, August 24, 2007

Message from Beyond (Meyer & Rockhill)

Dear Simon,

How are you? Things are rather well for me. I will be traveling in a fortnight and I daresay it won't be as hectic as I thought. I thought I was dying on the freeway the other day, but alas just a touch of anxiety. I am doing better day by day. Julian sends his love. Auntie Hobbs still has the touch of the gout, Marty said it would do the old cow good to get off her feet and stop eating all that fat! That Marty! Well, I see that you are still dabbling in poetry. You must continue no matter what mother says. I hope all is well with you and yours. Please give Patsy my love.

Yours in arms,

P.S. I had pickles for the first time here! This place is so sublime!

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